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Terms of use

Last updated as of February 22, 2023

This website is provided by InsuranceBee Inc. for your information and use strictly in accordance with applicable international, federal, state and local laws and regulations and you agree that you will abide by such laws and regulations while accessing or using the website.

Access and use

The pages on this website are intended for access and use by United States residents only and comply with appropriate Massachusetts legislation and regulation.

By using this website, you agree to browse and use the site in compliance with all applicable laws.

You can:

  • Print any page of the site for personal use as long as you don’t erase or delete any legends, disclaimers, trademarks, copyright or other intellectual property right notices.

However, you also agree to avoid certain activities. These include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Copying, distributing, publishing or transmitting any copies of the site.
  • Accessing any part of the website that’s password protected unless you have and are entitled to use a valid password.
  • Use the site fraudulently, use false information, impersonate another person or misrepresent a user’s status or affiliation.
  • Use information or scraping information from our Services for any purpose whatsoever.
  • Use the InsuranceBee, logo or URL without our written consent.


Copyright in the whole and every part of this website either belong to InsuranceBee or has been licensed to InsuranceBee by the rights' owner(s) so that InsuranceBee can use this material as part of its Site and may not be used, sold, licensed, copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form or in any media by any person without the prior written consent of InsuranceBee.

Disclaimer and limitation of liability

InsuranceBee tries to make sure that all information contained on the Site is correct, but it does not accept any liability for any error or omission. You should check with InsuranceBee before acting on any information on the Site.

InsuranceBee is not liable for any action you may take as a result of relying on any information provided on this Site. If you are not sure as to the validity of the information contained on this site please contact us.


While we take all reasonable steps to ensure this website is always accessible we will not be held liable if, for any reason, the website is unavailable for any period. We may also have to suspend access to the website for routine or emergency updates and maintenance but we will endeavor to keep any disruption to a minimum.

In addition we cannot warrant that this website will be free of viruses or defects of any description and we will not be held responsible for any technical problems you may suffer as a result of your use of this website.

Personal Information

Our usage of your personal information is governed by our Privacy Policy, which forms part of these terms. Please read the Privacy Policy carefully - it deals with your rights and our obligations in relation to your personal data, including what we can do with it and to whom we may disclose it together with your rights of access.

We reserve the right to update these terms from time to time without notice to you. We recommend you regularly revisit this page to ensure you have seen and are aware of our latest terms.

Enquiries or complaints

If you have any enquiries or complaints then please contact us.

Choice of Law

This website and the agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Massachusetts. In the event of a dispute, you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Massachusetts.

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