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Sales representatives’ insurance

Even a minor slip-up can cause a major problem. Protect your business and your reputation with comprehensive insurance for sales reps.

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Sales representatives’ insurance

Even a minor slip-up can cause a major problem. Protect your business and your reputation with comprehensive insurance for sales reps.

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Insurance for sales reps

Sales reps like you don’t wing it. You research your prospect and go in with a plan – plus a back-up plan. That way you anticipate potential questions and avoid losing a sale.

Make sales rep insurance part of your back-up plan. It protects your sales consultancy from potential problems. The kind you’re more likely to run into when you deal with the public every day.

Essential cover for sales representatives

General liability insurance

From $37.13 a month

Takes care of medical expenses, your legal defense and compensation, too, if you're liable. Even if a claim is groundless.

Professional liability (errors & omissions) insurance

From $16.50 a month

If a client claims you've made a mistake and it's cost them, professional liability insurance can cover your legal costs and damages, if you're liable.

Buy general liability or professional liability insurance separately. Or, if you need both, buy them as a package. Fill out a short form and we’ll get back to you with our best quote in one working day.

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  • Why do sales representatives need general liability insurance?

    What if you’re out and about on business and you accidentally damage someone’s property? Or someone trips over your briefcase and breaks an arm? Or a tricky customer claims they overheard you making a not-so-nice remark about them? You could find yourself facing a claim.

    Now without the right insurance, claims for slander, bodily injury or property damage can cost you a lot. The bottom line? They can seriously damage your bottom line.

    But it’s not just about the money you’ll spend defending yourself from a claim. It’s about the time and energy you’ll spend dealing with it. Both of which are better spent making sales.

    Even if the claim is groundless, general liability insurance can pay your legal defense fees and compensation, if necessary.

    Think of it as a back-up plan for your business. Accidents do happen, so why risk winging it?

  • What does general liability insurance for sales representatives cover?

    So long as the claim’s filed in the United States, its territories, or Canada, general liability insurance covers claims for:

    • Bodily injury – A customer comes to see you at your premises. You close the sale, but as he leaves, he slips on your steps, breaking his ankle. A general liability policy can cover his medical costs and lost wages.
    • Property damage – When visiting a potential customer in their workplace you accidentally spill your mug of coffee, ruining their laptop. Your policy can cover the cost of replacing it.
    • Personal injury – A customer claims you spread a rumor about them. General liability insurance can cover your legal defense costs. It can cover the settlement, too, if it turns out you’re liable.
  • Why do sales representatives need errors & omissions insurance?

    Even the smartest sales reps sometimes make mistakes. Mistakes that could cost you thousands – maybe millions – of dollars in a lawsuit.

    And to make matters worse, as a professional, you can be sued even when you haven’t made a mistake.

    Errors and omissions insurance gives you the peace of mind that comes from knowing your business protected. Even if a claim is groundless you’ll get an attorney to defend you, your legal fees paid. Plus compensation payments, too, if it turns out you’re at fault.

    Called E&O for short, errors and omissions insurance is also known as professional liability insurance. Whatever its name, it’s smart protection for the savviest salespeople.

  • How much does errors and omissions insurance for sales representatives cost?

    The cost of errors and omissions policies for sales representatives varies, depending on:

    • The size of your business
    • Your location
    • Your annual business income
    • The level of cover you need
    • The amount of deductible you choose

    The good news is, you can spread the cost of your insurance by paying quarterly, or monthly. Whatever suits you best.

    As for the level of cover you need, it’s always best to over-estimate. Think worst-case scenario, then pick a figure you can realistically afford.

What other kinds of insurance do sales representatives need?

Business personal property insurance (BPP)

If you take equipment like laptops and mobiles to meetings, this policy is worth having. It also covers the portable stuff in your office - from your furniture to your potted plants.

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Business owner's policy (BOP)

Comes with general liability, property, and business equipment insurance as standard. Plus, a range of optional add-ons, including coverage for:

  • Equipment breakdown
  • Money transfer fraud
  • Electronic data loss.
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Cyber liability insurance

If you use email, own a website, or store client data, cyber insurance is a must. It can’t stop a cyber-attack, but it can pay your recovery costs so your business survives from one.

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Workers' compensation insurance

Most states require you to have this policy even if you only have one employee. It’s good to have anyway. It protects your business from the cost of workplace illness and injury claims which can be crippling.

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Directors' and officers' insurance

D&O coverage protects you, your business, and your personal assets, from a wrongdoing claim. Even if it’s groundless. Because being on the board shouldn’t mean putting your savings and home at risk.

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Because we understand every sales consultancy is different, we'll build an insurance package to suit your needs. In minutes.

To build the right insurance package for you call one of our licensed agents today at 978.344.4215.

Prefer to talk?

For help, support or just a quick question, feel free to call me.

I'm Amber - I'm here to help you Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm ET.

My direct line is 978 344 4225.


Amber Smith
Customer Service Representative

phone icon 978 344 4225

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