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How to reduce employment risk


How to reduce employment risk

Growing your company may mean expanding your workforce. But with more employees comes greater risk to your business.

Before you take on your first hire there are employment laws to get your head around. Regulations you need to know – at State and Federal level. As well as rules around what you can ask during interviews. And what you can’t.

So how can you reduce employment risk?

Employment risk management guide

To help you out, we’ve created a handy cheat sheet. Taken from our Big Guide to Small Business Risk, it’s the fourth in our series.

(You can download the first cheat sheet, on the different types of business risk here. The second one, on legal risk, is downloadable from here and the third, on money matters from here.)

In this cheat sheet l find pointers on rules and regs over interviews and hiring staff. Plus, top tips on how to keep things above board when you take on directors.

Another cheat sheet’s coming soon. This one covers staff training, dealing with disgruntled employees and what to do when you’ve got to let someone go.

Guide to small business risk

Meanwhile, have a browse of our free, all-you-need-to-know risk guide.

You’ll find a whole chapter on people, including some useful insight from industry insiders.

Click on the image to download.

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