Do landscaping companies need workers’ compensation insurance?

Do landscaping and lawn care companies need workers' compensation insurance? What about when hiring subcontractors? Read all in our guide.

Landscaping industry statistics

Looking for the latest on the US landscaping and lawncare industry? Here are the most up-to-date landscaping industry statistics.

Cleaning business insurance costs explained

Planning your cleaning insurance costs can be tricky and confusing. Here's how to find out how much it could cost you.

Why janitors need workers’ compensation insurance

Janitors' workers' compensation insurance: it's a must in most states. Find out what it covers and why you need it in our handy guide.

Landscaping insurance costs explained

Landscaping insurance costs vary from business to business. We explain the factors that'll affect how much you pay.

What are some common insurance agents’ claims?

Insurance agents' claims are as numerous as they are time consuming. Here's our breakdown of the most common ones and how to avoid them.

What is real estate E&O insurance and what does it cover?

Real estate E&O insurance can be confusing. Do you need it or don't you? And why? Our guide explains everything you need to know.

What insurance does a barber need?

Too busy running your own barber shop to work out what insurance you need? Here's our guide to getting the right cover.

What type of insurance does a property management company need?

Not sure what kind of liability insurance property management companies need? Here's a quick rundown and tips for getting the right coverage.

Why snow removal professionals shouldn’t go without their insurance this winter

Winter is when snow removal experts like you get to shine. So checking your snow removal insurance is fit and ready to go is essential.