Top five questions about small business insurance

Find insurance confusing? You're not alone. Here's some answers to questions we get asked a lot about small business insurance.

What type of insurance is right for my small business?

Getting the right insurance for your small business can be time-consuming and confusing. Here's a run-down of the policies available and what they cover.

How does an errors and omissions policy protect me?

Find out exactly what errors and omissions policy protects your business from, how it protects you, and what you get for your money.

Why should I use an insurance broker?

Not sure what insurance policy is right for your small business? Need help busting the jargon? Fear not - an insurance broker can help!

What is a claims made policy?

We hate jargon at InsuranceBee. But sometimes, there isn't a simple way of explaining something. So what is a claims-made policy, exactly?

Industry focus – web designers

We find out what risks are faced by those working as web designers, and give advice on the types of insurance that protects their business.

Do I need errors and omissions insurance?

Want to keep your business safe if a disgruntled client wants to make a claim? If so, you need errors and omissions insurance.

Going freelance? Here’s what you need to know

So, you've decided to go freelance? That's great news. But before you do, here's some things you might want to think about.